浏览次数:897 发布时间:2019-08-05 03:50:39
8.按ASME IX哪项未出现在WPS中:wps中哪项未出现在ASME IX 中
Which of the following items was not addressed on the WPS as required by Section IX?
a. 焊条直径 (Diameter of electrodes)
b.垫板 (the backing)
c.焊缝道厚度。(The weld pass thickness)(QW403.9:每道<1/2”)
d.填充金属代号 (The alternate designation for the filler metals)
Is the joint design fully addressed on the WPS?
a.否,根部间隙未给出。(No, root spacing is not addressed)(QW402.10)
b.否,未提供示意图 (No, sketch of the joint must be provided)
c.是 (Yes)
d. a和b 均正确 (Both a & b)
Does the PQR support the base metal thickness range as shown on the WPS?
a.是 (Yes)
b.否,评定范围为:3/16-1”。(No, the range qualified is 3/16” to 1”) (QW451.1)
c. 否,评定范围为:1/4-1”. (No, the range qualified is ¼” to 1”)
d. 否,评定范围为:3/16-2”. (No, the range qualified is 3/16” to 2”)
Does the preheat shown on the PQR support the preheat specified on the WPS?
a.是 (Yes)
b.WPS应指明最大预热至150F (The WPS should state a maximum preheat of 150F)
c. WPS应指明最小预热至50F (The WPS should state a minimum preheat of 50F)
Does the tensile test results shown on the PQR meet the requirements of Section IX?
b.否,试验结果合格,但需要4个拉伸试样 (No, test results were acceptable but 4 tensile specimens should have been taken)
c.否,试样#2不满足母材最小抗拉强度。(No, specimen#2 did not meet the minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal)(QW153:5%)。断在焊缝金属上且强度低于最低要求
d.否,两试验均不合格 (No,both specimens did not meet the minimum specific tensile strength)
Does the bend test shown on the PQR meet the requirements of Section IX?
a.否,背弯试样#2不合格。(No, root bend#2 is not acceptable per Code)(QW163,>1/8”).
b.否,背弯试样#1和# 2不合格 (No, root bend#1 & #2 are not acceptable per Code)
c.否,应用四个侧弯试样 (No, four side bends should have been taken)
d.是 (Yes)
Which of the following items is not required to be specified on the PQR?
a.试样(母材)厚度 (Thickness of the test coupon (base material))
b.坡口位置。(Position of the groove)(QW253)
c.预热温度 (Preheat temperature applied)
d.焊缝金属厚度 (Thickness of the weld metal (deposited weld metal))
Which of the following required items was not addressed on the WPS?
a.母材金属组号(Base metal group number)(未提供)
b.最大层间温度 (Maximum inter pass temperature)
c.焊条直径 (Diameter of electrodes)
The weld metal thickness shown on the PQR should be:
a.正确的已填写 (is correct)
b. 3/16”-1”
c. ½”.(QW451.1)
d. 1/16”-1”